August Workshops

month of sundays

Got plans for August?
Cancel them – this is going to be good!

Not got any plans for August?
Well then – have we got the solution for you!

Quay Players are hosting an entire month (that’s right, a month!) of killer workshops with West End superstars and QP community members so you can hone your craft this summer 💜


🗓️ WHEN?
Every Sunday in August!

Members: Free
Non-members: £10

(NB: 1:1 sessions will cost an additional £10)

want to become a member?

Membership for the 2024 season costs £20 and it replaces audition fees. Membership is needed to sign up or audition for all Quay Players events such as main shows, cabarets, small shows, workshops, and any other activities (fee to take part in that show/class will still be required).

Memberships will run for one calendar year, so you don’t have to sign up in January, but if for instance you decide to become a member in August to audition for the panto then it is still £20 and your membership will run out on 31st December 2024 no matter when in the year you signed up.

Click here to become a member!